Monday, September 12, 2011

Concept: Ferrari tahun 2025?

How a 2025 Ferrari hypercar might look

The future, as far as we're aware, is a somewhat convoluted mash-up of a single consciousness uniting the human race, laser-guided space bats and robot monkey sentinels guarding humanity from its worst excesses of reality television.
As far as cars are concerned, we have the Istituto d'Arte Applicata e Design (IAAD) in Turin and its students' musings on what a Ferrari will look like in 2025. It looks a lot like this.
Graduates Salvatore Simonetti, Massimiliano Petrachi and Vincenzo Morlino claim their inspiration came from the Ferrari P3 and P4/5, mixing extreme performance with "strong emotional content".
There are active aerodynamic bits like the rear spoiler, air intakes and front skirt, while exhaust gases are said to help produce downforce. Flight of fancy? The IAAD has form - it was a finalist in the recent Ferrari World Design Contest.
Have a click through and see what you think. Our fingers are still crossed for those robot monkeys.
Original Link
Comment: Idea ni datang daripada student dan kereta ni nampak macam do-able. Agaknya macam mana Proton and Perodua tahun 2025 kan? Hehe

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